Restaurant al centre de Barcelona


En ple Barri Gòtic i a pocs passos de la Catedral de Barcelona, trobaràs el Restaurant La Rioja. A l’estil de les cases de menjars del nord, oferim una cuina tradicional on les arrels culinàries de La Rioja i catalanes es fusionen donant lloc a plats elaborats, la matèria primera dels quals és un producte de temporada, de qualitat i de Km 0.


Gran varietat en plats casolans de La Rioja, bascos i catalans en els menús i a la carta, així com en tapes i esmorzars de forquilla.

Cuina autèntica

Producte de temporada

Menú i a la carta

A 5 minuts de la catedral

Esmorzars de forquilla

Per començar el dia amb energia

Hora del vermut

Gaudeix d’un petit descans a la nostra terrassa

Hora del vermut

Gaudeix d’un petit descans a la nostra terrassa

Menú del dia

Complet, nutritiu i amb un alt valor gastronòmic

Plats a la carta

Receptes tradicionals de La Rioja elaborades amb productes de temporada i de Km 0

Plats a la carta

Receptes tradicionals de La Rioja elaborades amb productes de temporada i de Km 0

Postres casolans

Els capritxos més dolços 100% casolans


Excelente trato. Comida espectacular. Y Luisa la cocina un lujo. Hemos organizado evento de 40 personas y todo ha salido genial
Rocío Bodegas
Mu y buen lugar para comer Menú muy interesante y si podés carta precios muy buenos
Manuel Prado
Friendly staff. Very tasty tapas! Especially liked Montadito (slice of bread) with fried red sausage typical of Navarra. Give it a try. It is amazing!
Kamran Samadli
Un menu du jour excellent (à moins de dix-neuf euros) pour Barcelone dans un quartier très touristique où il n'est pas toujours évident de se faire une idée de la qualité par rapport à des prix qui flambent trop souvent. Excellente morue fraîche. Parmi les desserts possibles : une pomme au four... Qui en fait encore alors que c'est finalement simple ? Bonne initiative de la remettre au goût du jour. Beau dressage de table et bon service (avec des efforts appréciés pour traduire en anglais ce qu'on ne comprend pas en espagnol).
Aurélien Bilard
Très beau et bon restaurant, cuisine et le service impeccable, nous y reviendrons étant de Lloret de mar, donc à la prochaine.
Excellent place in the center Cozy and characteristic restaurant a few steps from Placa Catalunya, very courteous and friendly staff. Good variety of recipes on the menu. Among the various places we tried, it was certainly the best in terms of quality/price ratio. Recommended.
gennaro e
gennaro e
A local gem Oh my, this place was real Catalan. We popped in here for our last lunch before heading to the airport - it was full of locals, we were the only foreigners! A foodies paradise - main menu, set menu and a daily special - not your usual standard same old menu offered elsewhere. My kids were hesitant but we leapt in and tried a few different dishes, not really knowing what to expect! It was all superb! I wish we had tried it earlier during our stay.
Selina M
Selina M
Excellent Very well prepared market cuisine which means we had an excellent meal. We really enjoyed it and felt at home thanks to Luisa, Carlos and their entire team. Very good location next to Portal de l'Angel and the Cathedral.
Jordi M
Jordi M
Excellent Homemade food in the heart of Barcelona. Julio served us, an excellent waiter. Good value for money. We do not hesitate to repeat for the next time in Barcelona.
noemi a
noemi a
A central and quality place I recommend eating at this restaurant. We were a group of 13 people and everything was delicious and homemade. We had a menu on a Saturday and the service was impeccable. Our thanks also to Julio, a very professional and friendly waiter, along with the entire team. We will return and recommend to friends. All the best
LA RIOJA.... BARCELONA YA! The President of the Cercle des Epicureans writes: Here we are in Barrio Gotic, an extremely busy place just a stone's throw from the ramblas. The restaurant is quite hidden and the frontage doesn’t look much, but inside… Excellent family cooking, homemade with fresh and tasty ingredients. The service was excellent and friendly A very good value for money. 2 menus 2 mineral waters 2 coffees Addition = 45€ No tourist traps, in fact there are only Spanish people in this restaurant, which is a good point! Quality home cooking.
Perfect Perfect little typical Spanish restaurant Very pleasant staff Very good food You can walk through the door with your eyes closed
denis g
denis g
Excellent food and service First and foremost , this is not your typical tourist trap eatery. We noticed no tourists other than us. The food was fantastic and the service on par. Prices are fair. We’ll be back. If you are a gourmet food lover, do go without doubt.